Fear of the dentist: here are some remedies to defeat her forever
Don't you have the slightest intention of hearing the noise of the dental drill once again? Whenever you should go to the dentist don't you do it because you're too scared? Here is all you need to know to eliminate the fear of the dentist forever.
Many patients suffer from the so-called "white coat anxiety", a form of repulsion towards the whole medical category. Anxiety, tachycardia, pallor, sense of fainting, nausea ... are just some of the symptoms that you will have definitely experienced in a similar circumstance.
Odontophobia, fear of the dentist
When the problem is closely related to dental treatments we talk about dental phobia. The dental phobia patient develops a sense of rejection towards any type of contact with the dentist. Often, in the most serious cases, the patient cannot even go to the first visit. You can call yourself a dental phobic patient if the fear of the dentist is such that it far surpasses the desire to improve your aesthetics and your functions. All this leads you to think: "I can't do it." "I'd rather stay that way. It's stronger than me".
What is the cause of the dentist's fear?
The psychological study of what underlies the fear of the dentist has been the subject of much research. Indeed, according to an article in the literature, about 59.7% of subjects are moderately or highly anxious to perform dental procedures. But what is actually the cause of all this?
Unfortunately, a predominant role with regard to the genesis of this problem is played by parents. The latter often project their own experiences and anxieties onto the child, inducing even more anxiety.
Fear of parent dentist
The fear of dentist children is often caused by a contagion operated by parents, the same parents no longer have to think of dental treatments as something invasive, as happened in the past. In doing so we witness a real contagion of stereotypes of the past to the latest generations. Modern dentistry has also made great strides regarding the management of the fear of the dentist.
Another cause is related to childhood. From an early age, it is advisable for the child to get used to feeling the parents' fingers cleaning their mouth. In this way, in the future, it will tolerate more dental treatments. If you do not know exactly what maneuvers to perform, it is advisable that you read everything you need to know about baby teeth.
Other causes of fear of the dentist are summarized in the table:

Table showing the direct and indirect causal factors of the fear of the dentist
How to fight the fear of the dentist?
If you are here, you will surely be curious to know what to do to overcome the fear of the dentist. Maybe you've always dreamed of having white and healthy teeth but you couldn't do it because of this "brake". Here are all the prerogatives and all the useful tools to eliminate your fears:
1- Trust
It might seem trivial, but trust in your dentist is the basis. Trusting someone means being certain that in any case, they will make the best decision for us.
Trusting your dentist is the essential prerogative, getting into the hands of a trusted professional already eliminates a large part of the patients' uncertainties. If, on the other hand, the dentist does not know him, try to relate to him amicably even before performing the treatments.
Chat with the staff, try to perform non-invasive therapies. In this way, you will "tap" the ground first, without even throwing yourself into complex rehabilitations.
2- Anesthesia
By definition, anesthesia eliminates the perception of pain. Over the years, dentistry has made significant progress with regards to anesthetic methods. Anesthesia techniques can be divided into:
- Local anesthesia techniques;
- Techniques of Conscious (IV) Sedation.
Indeed, alongside the common practices of local anesthetic by syringe, the use of techniques of general anesthesia by conscious or IV sedation is increasingly emerging in today's panorama. This is because, with conventional anesthesia, the patient eliminates the perception of pain, but not anxiety.
Conscious Sedation makes it possible to face the intervention in total serenity
Conscious sedation involves the use of Propofol for IV Sedation, the peculiarity of this product is that it keeps the patient sleeping all this while fully maintaining a certain grade of consciousness and alertness during therapy. In one shot you will have no pain, no anxiety, and serenity; ask your dentist.
Many patients suffer from the so-called "white coat anxiety", a form of repulsion towards the whole medical category. Anxiety, tachycardia, pallor, sense of fainting, nausea ... are just some of the symptoms that you will have definitely experienced in a similar circumstance.
Odontophobia, fear of the dentist
When the problem is closely related to dental treatments we talk about dental phobia. The dental phobia patient develops a sense of rejection towards any type of contact with the dentist. Often, in the most serious cases, the patient cannot even go to the first visit. You can call yourself a dental phobic patient if the fear of the dentist is such that it far surpasses the desire to improve your aesthetics and your functions. All this leads you to think: "I can't do it." "I'd rather stay that way. It's stronger than me".
What is the cause of the dentist's fear?
The psychological study of what underlies the fear of the dentist has been the subject of much research. Indeed, according to an article in the literature, about 59.7% of subjects are moderately or highly anxious to perform dental procedures. But what is actually the cause of all this?
Unfortunately, a predominant role with regard to the genesis of this problem is played by parents. The latter often project their own experiences and anxieties onto the child, inducing even more anxiety.
Fear of parent dentist
The fear of dentist children is often caused by a contagion operated by parents, the same parents no longer have to think of dental treatments as something invasive, as happened in the past. In doing so we witness a real contagion of stereotypes of the past to the latest generations. Modern dentistry has also made great strides regarding the management of the fear of the dentist.
Another cause is related to childhood. From an early age, it is advisable for the child to get used to feeling the parents' fingers cleaning their mouth. In this way, in the future, it will tolerate more dental treatments. If you do not know exactly what maneuvers to perform, it is advisable that you read everything you need to know about baby teeth.
Other causes of fear of the dentist are summarized in the table:

Table showing the direct and indirect causal factors of the fear of the dentist
How to fight the fear of the dentist?
If you are here, you will surely be curious to know what to do to overcome the fear of the dentist. Maybe you've always dreamed of having white and healthy teeth but you couldn't do it because of this "brake". Here are all the prerogatives and all the useful tools to eliminate your fears:
It might seem trivial, but trust in your dentist is the basis. Trusting someone means being certain that in any case, they will make the best decision for us.
Trusting your dentist is the essential prerogative, getting into the hands of a trusted professional already eliminates a large part of the patients' uncertainties. If, on the other hand, the dentist does not know him, try to relate to him amicably even before performing the treatments.
Chat with the staff, try to perform non-invasive therapies. In this way, you will "tap" the ground first, without even throwing yourself into complex rehabilitations.
2- Anesthesia
By definition, anesthesia eliminates the perception of pain. Over the years, dentistry has made significant progress with regards to anesthetic methods. Anesthesia techniques can be divided into:
- Local anesthesia techniques;
- Techniques of Conscious (IV) Sedation.
Indeed, alongside the common practices of local anesthetic by syringe, the use of techniques of general anesthesia by conscious or IV sedation is increasingly emerging in today's panorama. This is because, with conventional anesthesia, the patient eliminates the perception of pain, but not anxiety.
Conscious Sedation makes it possible to face the intervention in total serenity
Conscious sedation involves the use of Propofol for IV Sedation, the peculiarity of this product is that it keeps the patient sleeping all this while fully maintaining a certain grade of consciousness and alertness during therapy. In one shot you will have no pain, no anxiety, and serenity; ask your dentist.
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to meditur@costaricabluezone.com
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to meditur@costaricabluezone.com
The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition
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