How Can We Make a Dentist Promotion in Ethical Mode?

It is increasingly common to see particularly attractive advertisements for dental shops that promise seas and mountains at bargain prices. Notwithstanding that then, systematically, most of the patients who come from them go out with a loan of several thousand euros ...

Now beyond the quality of performance that these structures can provide, there are 2 aspects to reflect on:

These centers have no business risk: advance payment of benefits and iron contracts that protect them from any legal event.

Patients who go to them are of a medium / high social bracket so much so that they can also obtain financing of tens of thousands of euro.
This means that trying to compete with them at low prices without having an internal salesman capable of selling to the Patient other services to raise the budget and have him sign a real sales contract (which is very different from an estimate) is a battle lost at the start ... or rather a suicide! But it also means that it is not only the poorest people who turn to these centers but also those who can afford to pay high figures.

The technique they use is the classic of shopping centers, offer a product or service at a very low price with a free invitation which is difficult to resist even for the wealthy people (even the rich want to save!). Once the patient is inside, welcomed in a structure that appears technologically advanced and reliable, if they tell him that there are other things to "buy" to have a better service, they trust and buy them, beyond the price!

Many colleagues rely on the alleged poor quality of the services provided by these low-cost centers and on the hope that after these patients return to repair their damage, but, except in serious cases, problems with poor quality dental care can be found only after a nice time.

So how can we deal with this situation without lowering our own price lists which consequently reduces the quality of our services and maintain professional ethics and decorum?

 The most effective solution is to aggregate under a single identifying brand to make group promotion nationwide so that all members benefit from the common promotion made ethically, with elegance and competence, in order to provide added value to the professionalism of the individual signed up. 

This type of operation has the double effect of reinforcing the trust of its patients avoiding the risk of being duped by advertising in shopping centers and being sought by new potential patients.

There are numerous online dentist networks with free registration and without any kind of selection, which creates lists destined to be "dead letter" because they are not promoted and the only visitors are only those registered.

So it is essential to invest in advertising for specific promotional campaigns aimed at citizens to make known the purposes of the group, what they offer and why the members in that group are different from other dentists to the point to deserve to be chosen, otherwise, there will be no advantage concrete for none of the members and if you do not make an appropriate initial selection, you risk embarking low-cost lecturers and/or health managers with consequent damage of image to all members.

Furthermore, differentiation compared to other dentists must be real and tangible for the patient who must be able to understand why the dentist of that group is different from the others.

The OPI Project consists of a group of selected Dentists who differ in the protection of the patient's health and the quality of the services provided by the members assessed through an exclusive calculation system to select the members, with the possibility of direct verification by the Patients. They use highly biocompatible materials, minimally invasive techniques, and cutting-edge technologies, which, in addition to allowing safe and high-quality treatments to be carried out, also safeguard the environment with the reduction of pollutants.

The OPI has won the trust of citizens with its actions, including legal, to protect patients and promotional campaigns in national health magazines such as ViveveSani & Belli, BenEssere, True Health, gossip, and Social-Web. With these campaigns, he has acquired a good penetration of the OPI brand and a good "web reputation" as well as acquiring a know-now that allows him to be able to present himself to colleagues with a winning formula.

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The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition


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