Fear of the dentist: here are some remedies to defeat her forever

Don't you have the slightest intention of hearing the noise of the dental drill once again? Whenever you should go to the dentist don't you do it because you're too scared? Here is all you need to know to eliminate the fear of the dentist forever. Many patients suffer from the so-called "white coat anxiety", a form of repulsion towards the whole medical category. Anxiety, tachycardia, pallor, sense of fainting, nausea ... are just some of the symptoms that you will have definitely experienced in a similar circumstance. Odontophobia, fear of the dentist When the problem is closely related to dental treatments we talk about dental phobia. The dental phobia patient develops a sense of rejection towards any type of contact with the dentist. Often, in the most serious cases, the patient cannot even go to the first visit. You can call yourself a dental phobic patient if the fear of the dentist is such that it far surpasses the desire to improve your aesthetics ...