Periodontitis - The silent enemy of your mouth that often deceives even dentists.

The first step in starting to solve a problem is to understand what caused it. If you are going to read this article, it means that you have noticed one of the symptoms of pyorrhea and you want to know how you can do to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Something interesting that I noticed has been that the average patient when it comes into contact with us, HAS NO IDEA of what caused the loss of his teeth. I imagine that by now you must be asking yourself, "Is it important to know that?"

Well it's very simple. 

Bleeding gums, tartar on teeth, periodontal pockets, fissured tongue, gums that gradually retract; these are just some of the alarm bells that can indicate the development of one of the most devastating diseases of the mouth.

If you have ever experienced even one of these symptoms, or if you suspect something, but you are not sure, then read on because I will explain below what are the devastating effects of pyorrhea (also called periodontitis).

I will explain how it develops, because if not taken on time it then becomes extremely difficult to cure and how you can prevent it or prevent it from getting worse.

You will thus be able to avoid finding yourself potentially in the same situation as the hundreds and hundreds of patients who annually turn to my polyclinic to try to resolve when the time of prevention has already ended long ago. But don't worry, I will use simple terms to do this without going into too much unnecessary detail, to avoid filling your head with superfluous and complex information and speeches.

In a perfect world, everyone brushes their teeth after every meal and regularly goes to the dentist for periodic checks. The dentist informs them of the steps to follow for proper oral hygiene and first of all think about prevention rather than cure.

It is quite obvious that the world of which I speak is not this one. Indeed quite often it is quite the opposite. Much of the population brush their teeth a little and badly because maybe they have little time or nobody has ever really explained the importance of doing it - and doing it correctly. They go to the dentist very rarely for fear, time, economic reasons, and previous negative experiences.

The pyorrhea as the first cause at the base has nothing else but a cultural and social factor.

The responsibility of a patient with dental problems - in most cases is the dentist. It is the dentist who must instruct the patient on the correct procedures to prevent the problem rather than cure it. It is the dentist who must recognize and act on the pyorrhea as soon as the first symptoms appear.

And even before the dentist - it is the educational and healthcare system that has to induce the patient to make periodic visits and checks to the dentist, free of charge. It is the social security that has to allow dentists to lower the costs of their price list with reduced taxation for dental care, as is already done in Costa Rica and other countries.

The last cause of pyorrhea, which is often mistakenly recognized as the only cause, is that which derives directly from the bacteria present in the patient's mouth and from any genetic conditions.

Not surprisingly, in fact - when, for the reasons listed above, a patient does not follow correct oral hygiene, harmful bacteria start to proliferate in his mouth.

A particular combination of these bacteria - it can start the process that starts with slight gingivitis - and if not stopped for a long time ends with complete loss of teeth - especially if, as often happens, it is not diagnosed in time or is not diagnosed just for nothing.

Therefore the tranquility and serenity of the patients who, unaware of this serious problem, continue in everyday life are obviously at risk. What they do not know, however, is that in the meantime the undiagnosed problem of which they are not aware continues to worsen inexorably, risking in the best and most optimistic cases to make them spend a few hundred dollars for the treatment of some cavities and cleaning teeth and at the risk of losing all teeth at the worst and the certainty of having to later spend thousands and thousands of dollar to remedy the problem.

Not only of their dental health but also and above all of their psychophysical health in a broader sense.

It seems a rare possibility - one of those cases in which we think "these things do not happen to me" but read what Bryan J. Frantz, >> President of The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP - has to say about it -:

"About 90 million people in the United States suffer from pyorrhea, but one American out of four does not know what it is 30% of people do not go to the dentist in case of gum disease, trying to solve them with home remedies or taking lenited drugs and painkillers.

Periodontitis is a widespread problem, even among young people: 43% of those under 35 have already had a symptom of gingival inflammation at least once in their life ",
declared the president of the American Academy of Periodontology.

"Unfortunately this pathology, if neglected, can lead to serious consequences: there are about 16 million Americans with very serious periodontitis and therefore at risk of losing one or more teeth. Despite being so widespread, there are still many who do not know it. The main symptom that could induce the person to go to the dentist is the bleeding of the gums, present initially under the stimulus, and subsequently spontaneously. Other secondary symptoms are halitosis, tooth mobility, periodontal abscess, purulent exudation, gingival recessions. Gravity is measured on the basis of inflammation of the gum that can cause bone involvement "

Now, considering what was said by the President of AAP - the spontaneous question is: How is it possible that 90 million Americans - or a third of the population - have pyorrhea and don't know it?

The answer is short and simple: No information or prevention is made - and symptoms are not diagnosed as soon as they appear as I said above.

Whose fault is it? In many cases it could be said that the system and the dentists are the principals - the bacteria are simply the executors.

To know what you can do to improve your situation and stay more serene, we must first understand briefly how this disease works.

As explained before, it is a bacterial disease.

These bacteria - naturally present in our mouth - feed on food residues that get stuck between our teeth and release lactic acid as a process of their digestion. This lactic acid, being corrosive - attacks tooth enamel - which gradually begins to break.

This forms the first small hole in the tooth - the initial phase of tooth decay.

The bacterium is deposited in caries - and continues to feed itself - multiplying and corroding the tooth.

At this point the patient notices it and goes to the dentist - who will obviously take care of it and fix it so that he can save the tooth.

However, what the dentist often does not do - it is to examine in detail if the patient is more or less genetically predisposed to develop others.

It is indeed essential to know that each of us has a certain degree of predisposition to develop dental diseases. To understand how we are at risk, a saliva swab should be taken to investigate what types of bacteria are present in our mouth, and how strong our defenses are.

What do you say? -- Has your dentist never done it? Well - this explains why now you find yourself reading this article. Unfortunately it is a type of test that can sometimes be very expensive. --- Not performing it, however, involves a high risk that the teeth develop cavities - all small ravines and caverns where these bacteria can go into hiding and continue to multiply. Once the critical point is reached, the bacteria will be so many that the whole mouth will be full.

And this is where serious problems usually begin: -- The gingiva, in response to the strong presence of bacteria, starts to swell and turn red - a sign that our antibodies are trying to fight these bacteria.

This is the initial phase of gingivitis.

The problem of gingivitis is not only the blood that comes out of the gum but is that in swelling - the latter starts to unravel from the tooth after time - because the tooth is not recognized by antibodies, being covered by bacteria that the patient does not know how to remove.

Thus the gingival pockets are formed - real pockets where even more harmful bacteria will go into the pockets.

The gum bone at this point, no longer recognizing the teeth, slowly begins to withdraw, leaving the teeth uncovered. The more it retracts and the weaker the teeth, the more they are corroded by the bacteria, causing halitosis, strong sensitivity to heat, and cold, but above all a certain degree of mobility.

The more this process goes on, the more you risk losing your teeth at this point, becoming increasingly sick and increasingly mobile.

Finally we arrive at a phase where it is practically no longer possible or practical to save them - and they must thus be extracted as they are literally attached to a thread.

This is the phase where all the patients who decide to take care of our clinic find themselves, a very very advanced stage - where any remaining teeth are severely compromised and therefore probably to be extracted and replaced with dental Implants, or even so severe that there are no more teeth - and the bone of the gum is so reabsorbed that reconstruction is also necessary.

Obviously this process I explained in a very simple way and without going into too much detail - but if you want to deepen it further click HERE to access a specially recorded video that speaks in detail about this topic

Question: If you recognized yourself in one of these phases, what do you do?

Well in this case - if you are still in one of the early stages of the disease and the gums have not receded, the teeth do not move and you have not lost any yet, there is a specific set of actions that I will indicate in the next article, to start acting on the problem and prevent it from getting worse.

If it seems instead that your gum has receded, that some teeth move, or that maybe you have already lost or extracted some of them, this is a sign that the pyorrhea in your case is in a more advanced stage.

In addition to following what is shown in the video above, I advise you to contact your dentist or our doctors whom will be able to follow you and assist you to better investigate your situation and show you which path is best for you in solving your dental problems.

We already have a countless number of requests, so if you are not sure, I ask you first to investigate your situation better independently through the Free Dental Video Campus created by me.

Please watch the video at the top of this page, which in simple (non-technical) language will help you better understand what kind of approach is best for your mouth.
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to


The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition


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