Ten Ways for Dentists to Avoid Malpractice Claims
1 Don't begin treatment before making sure your patient knows what you are going to do. While this may seem obvious, many claims can be avoided by the simple step of confirming with the patient what you intend to do that visit. I was involved in a claim by a patient who was told by the front office staff that the doctor would smooth out her incisor to hide a small chip. After seating the patient, the doctor immediately started what he thought was the planned procedure -- a full crown! Always confirm directly with the patient what they think is going to happen that visit. 2 Don't bill for work until it has been completed Most insurers pay for work when complete. Don't bill that crown until permanent cementation or you risk not only problems with the insurer, but also the patient if they go elsewhere for permanently cementing the crown only to discover their insurance won't pay the new dentist because they already paid you. 3 Don't scare your patients into agreeing to...