Why is Dental Tourism it's chosen?
Have you ever thought about choosing a dentist abroad to treat your teeth? Dental tourism, as we have often written in the blog, is a phenomenon that has taken hold for several years now.
More and more people are willing to and one of the countries, most chosen by North Americans and Canadians, it's Costa Rica.
It is the desire of many patients, but a fatal mistake is to jump on the first foreign dentist who is online and blindly relies on his care.
It is the first step to take: find dentists that operate according to the American Dental Association (ADA) regulations on hygiene, safety, and reliability of tools and materials used.
And Patients must be more cautious now during these times of Pandemia!!
In times of crisis like these last nasty pandemic, patients are looking for quality dental services at lower prices than in their own country. In addition, there is the advantage of a holiday abroad, and in this, they see greater benefits: they combine dental care with a pleasant trip.
What is the choice of patients based on when deciding to treat their teeth abroad? The average patient wants to find the same environment in his own country: familiar, quiet, safe, with the certainty of spending less and not traveling empty.
A good foreign dental clinic, to earn customers, must be able to meet some inevitable requirements:
1 - All-inclusive dental care: the patient must receive a clear and detailed estimate on all the expenses to be faced.
2 - Affordable prices: you must save money compared to the same dental treatment that you would receive in Italy.
3 - Short waiting times: excluding the technical time of travel by plane and arrival at the clinic, you do not have to wait for weeks between every step of the treatment.
4 - Country proximity: the average patient excludes air travel for several hours. Very few patients will ever leave the United States country to treat their teeth in India or Asia, to give an example. -- Costa Rica, is very close and is one of the preferred destinations for many Americans.
5 - Simplicity in procedures: paperwork, payments, etc. must take place as quickly and easily as possible. Many Clinics have Bank Account in a US Bank.
6 - Quality health care: saving is good, but certainly not at the expense of one's own health. The patient must find the same medical excellence, must be assisted by professional and qualified specialists. There is always the suspicion that abroad one passes over hygiene and safety standards: the patient must, therefore, be guaranteed full-fledged hygiene-sanitary treatment.
7- No problem with the language: the average target of patients who go abroad for dental care certainly does not speak the local language or does not speak Spanish fluently. The dental clinic must, therefore, provide guides and assistants who speak English.
Let's start from the first point: the foreign country to be reached. We have seen that among the most sought after requirements by patients is the proximity of the nation to go to. If you consider that an air journey still requires an hour of time for check-in and other time to arrive at the airport, the time to be spent on the plane must be minimal.
Costa Rica is the best country for dental tourism, allowing you to save up to 60%. In this country, they have top-level dental professionals, the latest technology and their practices comply with international standards. And overall savings are hard to beat for the quality care you will receive.
Of the top five countries for dental tourism, Costa Rica is the most preferred and the best overall when considering the price, travel distance, and quality care.
Costa Rica, for example, is only a 1.5-hours flight from Miami and just a few hours from other cities on the east coast USA, which is connected by direct low-cost flights. Costa Rica, in fact, is the most popular destination for dental tourism.
And what about professional dental care? If you decide on dentistry abroad, then you need to search online for the sites of the various dental clinics.
A well-respected clinic, besides obviously having a site in English, must guarantee expert medical specialists. Usually, patients would look at their qualifications, read their CVs, looking for important details that will make them understand the seriousness of the dental clinic.
Now let's move on to reasonable prices. Why reasonable and not low? The clinic that offers its dental services at too low prices gives a wrong idea of itself and its dentists. The low price is always associated with a lack of ethics and a consequent saving on used materials, drugs, and dental instruments. -- This is certainly not what the patient is looking for!!
You would be enchanted by those who save you 70 or 80% on the dental care you would have in the United States. That saving is too high, I feel that you wouldn't be so enchanted by the results. Right, buy cheap, buy twice.
In Costa Rica, savings reach 50%, a reasonable saving, therefore, because the country has a reduced tax rate, insurance costs, and employee costs, compared to the US and can, therefore, offer dental services at lower prices.
Of course, as we have seen, being treated by a dentist abroad will save you money, as long as all the other requirements you have read are met.
We are now giving you a shortlist of reasons why you should choose a dentist abroad for dental care, in addition to saving money:
1 - High standards of dental care: you will find dental clinics with cutting-edge technologies and specialists who have worked and specialized internationally.
2 - Certified materials and tools: clinics are adapted to the European Union regulations in terms of hygiene and health.
3 - No waiting: a foreign private dental clinic gives you an appointment in a short time.
Excellent connections: you will reach the dental clinic and your hotel together with an Italian-speaking guide.
4 - Free consultation: both before treatment, when you contact them online, and after.
5 - Free stay in the hotel: some clinics also offer a free stay to your companion.
6 - Continuous assistance: you will be constantly followed for all the time of dental care and you will also have assistance in free moments, if necessary.
If you are thinking of relying on a dentist abroad, ask us for all the information you want about our dental clinic.
It is the desire of many patients, but a fatal mistake is to jump on the first foreign dentist who is online and blindly relies on his care.
It is the first step to take: find dentists that operate according to the American Dental Association (ADA) regulations on hygiene, safety, and reliability of tools and materials used.
And Patients must be more cautious now during these times of Pandemia!!
In times of crisis like these last nasty pandemic, patients are looking for quality dental services at lower prices than in their own country. In addition, there is the advantage of a holiday abroad, and in this, they see greater benefits: they combine dental care with a pleasant trip.
What is the choice of patients based on when deciding to treat their teeth abroad? The average patient wants to find the same environment in his own country: familiar, quiet, safe, with the certainty of spending less and not traveling empty.
Factors to Consider When Looking for a Dentist Abroad

1 - All-inclusive dental care: the patient must receive a clear and detailed estimate on all the expenses to be faced.
2 - Affordable prices: you must save money compared to the same dental treatment that you would receive in Italy.
3 - Short waiting times: excluding the technical time of travel by plane and arrival at the clinic, you do not have to wait for weeks between every step of the treatment.
4 - Country proximity: the average patient excludes air travel for several hours. Very few patients will ever leave the United States country to treat their teeth in India or Asia, to give an example. -- Costa Rica, is very close and is one of the preferred destinations for many Americans.
5 - Simplicity in procedures: paperwork, payments, etc. must take place as quickly and easily as possible. Many Clinics have Bank Account in a US Bank.
6 - Quality health care: saving is good, but certainly not at the expense of one's own health. The patient must find the same medical excellence, must be assisted by professional and qualified specialists. There is always the suspicion that abroad one passes over hygiene and safety standards: the patient must, therefore, be guaranteed full-fledged hygiene-sanitary treatment.
7- No problem with the language: the average target of patients who go abroad for dental care certainly does not speak the local language or does not speak Spanish fluently. The dental clinic must, therefore, provide guides and assistants who speak English.
Where is a dentist abroad worthwhile?
The country to go to for dental care is the first of the choices to make. What to consider next? Professional dental care at a reasonable price. Reasonable means being able to save 50-60%.Let's start from the first point: the foreign country to be reached. We have seen that among the most sought after requirements by patients is the proximity of the nation to go to. If you consider that an air journey still requires an hour of time for check-in and other time to arrive at the airport, the time to be spent on the plane must be minimal.
Costa Rica is the best country for dental tourism, allowing you to save up to 60%. In this country, they have top-level dental professionals, the latest technology and their practices comply with international standards. And overall savings are hard to beat for the quality care you will receive.
Of the top five countries for dental tourism, Costa Rica is the most preferred and the best overall when considering the price, travel distance, and quality care.
Costa Rica, for example, is only a 1.5-hours flight from Miami and just a few hours from other cities on the east coast USA, which is connected by direct low-cost flights. Costa Rica, in fact, is the most popular destination for dental tourism.
A well-respected clinic, besides obviously having a site in English, must guarantee expert medical specialists. Usually, patients would look at their qualifications, read their CVs, looking for important details that will make them understand the seriousness of the dental clinic.
Now let's move on to reasonable prices. Why reasonable and not low? The clinic that offers its dental services at too low prices gives a wrong idea of itself and its dentists. The low price is always associated with a lack of ethics and a consequent saving on used materials, drugs, and dental instruments. -- This is certainly not what the patient is looking for!!
You would be enchanted by those who save you 70 or 80% on the dental care you would have in the United States. That saving is too high, I feel that you wouldn't be so enchanted by the results. Right, buy cheap, buy twice.
In Costa Rica, savings reach 50%, a reasonable saving, therefore, because the country has a reduced tax rate, insurance costs, and employee costs, compared to the US and can, therefore, offer dental services at lower prices.
Why is it worthwhile to have a dentist abroad?
The first answer that surely came to your mind is: to save money!Of course, as we have seen, being treated by a dentist abroad will save you money, as long as all the other requirements you have read are met.
We are now giving you a shortlist of reasons why you should choose a dentist abroad for dental care, in addition to saving money:
1 - High standards of dental care: you will find dental clinics with cutting-edge technologies and specialists who have worked and specialized internationally.
2 - Certified materials and tools: clinics are adapted to the European Union regulations in terms of hygiene and health.
3 - No waiting: a foreign private dental clinic gives you an appointment in a short time.
Excellent connections: you will reach the dental clinic and your hotel together with an Italian-speaking guide.
4 - Free consultation: both before treatment, when you contact them online, and after.
5 - Free stay in the hotel: some clinics also offer a free stay to your companion.
6 - Continuous assistance: you will be constantly followed for all the time of dental care and you will also have assistance in free moments, if necessary.
If you are thinking of relying on a dentist abroad, ask us for all the information you want about our dental clinic.
Information brought to you by Massimo M. - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to meditur@costaricabluezone.com
Information brought to you by Massimo M. - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to meditur@costaricabluezone.com
The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition
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