Smoke and implants: is it a compatible duo?

Are you a smoker and would you like to use dental implants? Is smoking the only vice you have and would you rather not stop? Let's see what the scientific literature says about the possible combination of smoke and implants.

Smoking is associated with a wide range of health risks and is implicated in the manifestation of numerous diseases. At the level of the oral cavity it predisposes to caries, periodontitis, and neoplasias; but is it compatible with the systems?

The implants are artificial roots that must be integrated with the bone that houses them. The osseointegration process requires that the bone heals around the implant itself, ensuring stability over time. It is precisely between bone and implant that smoking can exert its harmful potential.

What does the scientific literature on smoking and plants say?

In order to understand what the real correlations between smoke and implants are, we have analyzed the most up-to-date scientific publications on the subject. Two systematic reviews emerged: one in 2016 and one in 2015. In the latter, the inclusion of 19,836 implants in smokers with the inclusion of 60,464 in non-smoking patients was compared. What has emerged?

Systematic reviews are the highest quality scientific evidence.

The results of the review show how the insertion of dental implants in smokers increases the rate of implant failure, the incidence of post-operative infections, and bone loss.

The increased risk of failure is related to the effects of smoking on bone and vessel formation.

It has been noted that nicotine inhibits the gene expression of some enzymes that regulate bone remodeling, consequently leading to more difficult osseointegration. Moreover, this substance has direct effects on the vessels producing vasoconstriction, which causes poor oxygenation and a reduced supply of nutrients to the tissues.

A bone that receives little supply of oxygen and nutrients is a suffering bone that is more difficult to integrate the implant.

smoke and plants

Smoking and implants do not even agree with regard to the risk of bone loss and post-operative complications. It was estimated that bone loss around the implant was significantly higher in smokers than in non-smokers, especially in the upper arch.

Furthermore, considering that bacterial plaque adheres more quickly to smokers' tissues, the latter are much more exposed to complications such as:

- Mucositis;
- Peri-implantitis;
- Further bone loss.

Summing up ...

By throwing down a few numbers, implant failure in smoking patients is 2.23 times higher than in non-smokers. In 12 months' time, 93.04% success was reported for non-smokers and 82.82% for smokers. In a second study, after 60 months the success rate for non-smokers was 82.7%, while for smokers it was 65.3%. These data indicate that the risk of losing the implant is ever more concrete for smokers. The percentage remains stable for non-smokers.

Implant failure in smoking patients is 2.23 times higher than in non-smokers.

Is there a compromise between smoking and facilities?

It, therefore, appears evident that smoking represents a contraindication to the plant. If you plan to do an implant therapy, the ideal would surely be to stop. However, over the years, the search for compromises has not been lacking. Branemark considered the father of implantology, suggested the smoking cessation protocol back in 1996.

Branemark facilities

Branemark is considered the founder of Implantology. 
This protocol foresees the suspension of cigarette smoke for 1 week before and for 8 weeks after the insertion of the implant. This strategy reduces the risk of failed osseointegration, with higher success rates, although still lower than those of non-smokers. However, long-term complications are not eliminated. -- Therefore it is not to be considered a reliable compromise.

In conclusion, smoking negatively affects the implant success rate. 

Nicotine increases the risk of post-operative infections and bone loss around the implant. For these reasons, it is essential to motivate the patient to stop smoking or limit smoking as much as possible.

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The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition


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