The dangerous hidden secret that no dental clinic abroad confesses to you.
Probably if you've opened this article it's because you're considering using dental tourism to treat your teeth and save on the cost of surgery. Reading the title you may have thought: - "And what will this secret ever be that I have to watch out for? And what consequences should it have? "
It is essential that you know it if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises in the budget after deciding to leave to treat your teeth abroad.
When making a quote request to any dental clinic abroad there are two main risks always present around the corner:
The first risk is to receive a quote made with the stencil as if it were buying a pair of slippers that are the same for everyone.
If you request a quote and the clinic in question simply sends it without going into the specific clinical situation, you obviously understand that something is wrong.
Medicine is an extremely complex science, and sending estimates without entering into the merits of the problem shows a great level of incompetence.
The number of variables in a diseased mouth is extremely high and it is NOT possible to send a serious and professional estimate based only on what the patient requires, each mouth is a specific case in its own right and therefore requires a personalized treatment that can guarantee its effectiveness and durability.
This is the reason why Costa Rica Allonfour, NEVER releases a treatment plan without having first seen minimum a Panoramic RX.
Because it would be a huge waste of time both for the doctors, for the patient and, since he would receive a completely unreliable document without any concrete basis - that would only confuse ideas.
What is the difference?
A fixed dental prosthesis on implants - even if not tailor-made for you, it remains exactly there "in its place" for some time, when it starts to give problems, I’m not saying IF it starts to give problems - but when, then to solve the problem you obviously understand well that a re-intervention will be necessary.
Many patients are visiting our dental tourism clinic in Costa Rica because dental implants implanted by someone else in the past are giving problems and we solve effectively every issue because we are specialized on Dental Implants, we have a large stock of implants and abutments, don’t need to buy and we are supported by implant’s brands like Ritter, Zimmer, and BioHorizon. Fortunately for our patients, when rarely happens, they have Lifetime Warranty on the Implants.
Second potential risk
The second potential risk comes out when you request a quote from a foreign dental clinic and you are asked for a dental overview to be able to compile it.
Obviously, you are not from the sector but you cannot think that even this treatment plan actually hides a danger that is much less obvious.
With the dental overview, you can get to the heart of the matter and verify exactly what the most appropriate treatment plan is.
What is the problem, though?
Even if the overview already allows you to go deeper into which treatment plan is the most suitable and how you will have to proceed, there will always be a difference compared to the live visit.
The care plan based on an overview will always be less accurate than the care plan based on a live consultation.
Of course, in brief, they may be similar, but there will always be differences and different details. From the simple overview it is not possible to evaluate at least 6 fundamental factors for the design of a complete care plan:
1) It is not possible to evaluate the mobility of teeth.
2) It is not possible to verify the presence or absence of periodontal pockets and in which areas. In the advanced stages of periodontitis (also called pyorrhea) the gum often has "pockets" that give way to bacteria to settle in depth.
3) It is not possible to verify whether periodontitis is of genetic origin or not.
Periodontitis can in fact be both genetic and non-genetic, and this obviously changes the type of care required for a patient.
4) It is not possible to check the thickness of the gingiva as well as its height.
The gingiva obviously has a length, a height and a thickness. The overview does not allow you to evaluate any of the three in detail.
5) It is not possible to check the density of the gingiva.
The bone of the gum, like any other bone in our body, has a certain density. Usually the frontal areas (those of the chin and under the nose) are denser than the posterior zones, this means that in some areas it will be easier to install implants and in others it will be more complicated.
6) It is not possible to check the occlusion of the two arches
The two arches and the various teeth obviously when they are closed rest in a very precise way together, which must be evaluated and studied in dynamics (and therefore live) to ensure that even the prostheses fit together properly.
These are the 6 main factors that cannot be assessed with an overview of the mouth.
The thing that no dental clinic reveals (apart from us at Costa Rica Allonfour) is that in light of these factors, the live visit in most of the cases will change the treatment plan. If the care plan changes, of course, the final cost also changes, which can vary both in more and less.
Over time you will inevitably run into serious problems resulting from poor planning and execution of the intervention and you will be forced to spend more money and invest more time in solving the new problem.
"But are you telling me that the overview-based treatment plan is not 100% reliable? But if your clinic also sends treatment plans based on self multiple panoramic views! "
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, but there is a huge difference between us at Costa Rica Allonfour and any other dental clinic in Latinamerica.
Usually, the clinics and other dentists abroad do NOT say these things because it is easier to trick a person who has urgent dental issues to resolve and cannot afford to do it at home, than a person who has had time to study well all the details and consequently is better informed.
Another big difference between our clinic and the others is that my staff and I always try to be as precise as possible even with just the dental overview. If we have a practically perfect satisfaction rate of our patients, it is because we include in our quotation every expense they can encounter during their visit to our clinic (Extractions, IV Sedation, Transportation, Hotel, Xrays, Abutments, etc.),
Once here in the clinic, you will have a Free Panoramic RX and a live visit with all relevant examinations and also each of them has been explained that in most cases these are always slight variations but once they arrive at the clinic the estimate based on the overview even if it could have varied, we would not increase the estimate.
In case the care plan becomes less expensive than expected, then clearly you can keep the cost difference compared to the care plan based on the overview sent before leaving.
Every time a dental overview is sent to us, in fact, before receiving a quote, I will contact you by email or the phone for a totally free consultation that will allow you to further investigate your specific case in addition to what you see from the overview only.
It is, in fact, fundamental not only to watch an X-ray but also to communicate to the patient to understand in detail together not only what are the main dental problems, which are already seen from the overview without the need to talk but it is not enough to just look at a mouth X-rays to understand what the patient needs.
We must stay close and help people understand exactly what are the fears, doubts and perplexities that arise from their dental problems.
"But Massimo then what is the point in sending treatment plans based on a panoramic X-ray if they change so much after the visit?"
Although it is true that a radiography-based treatment plan is inaccurate, it is also true that it is necessary and almost mandatory, if you want to immediately give the patient a clear idea of what exactly the problems are, what are the possible solutions, and finally, of course, what the costs and timing are.
Without receiving an estimate for what work would need to be done, it is not possible to organize oneself logistically and economically to face the journey and the intervention - and it is not even possible to prepare oneself mentally.
Not evaluating an overview before starting a patient means having to visit everyone directly in the clinic, and this creates more of a problem.
If you also want to receive not only the treatment plan best suited to you but the free consultation with one of my managers and the private video-report (also free) then all you have to do is click here and leave your details!
And obviously remember that what you will receive will always undergo slight variations once in the clinic (more or less), but they will be exclusively for your good.
Read below and I'll explain exactly what I'm talking about.
There are many variables to keep in mind before choosing whether to be treated abroad and at which clinic, however here I want to focus on one aspect in particular - a secret that no clinic abroad has ever revealed before so openly.It is essential that you know it if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises in the budget after deciding to leave to treat your teeth abroad.
When making a quote request to any dental clinic abroad there are two main risks always present around the corner:
The first risk is to receive a quote made with the stencil as if it were buying a pair of slippers that are the same for everyone.
If you request a quote and the clinic in question simply sends it without going into the specific clinical situation, you obviously understand that something is wrong.
Medicine is an extremely complex science, and sending estimates without entering into the merits of the problem shows a great level of incompetence.
The number of variables in a diseased mouth is extremely high and it is NOT possible to send a serious and professional estimate based only on what the patient requires, each mouth is a specific case in its own right and therefore requires a personalized treatment that can guarantee its effectiveness and durability.
This is the reason why Costa Rica Allonfour, NEVER releases a treatment plan without having first seen minimum a Panoramic RX.
Because it would be a huge waste of time both for the doctors, for the patient and, since he would receive a completely unreliable document without any concrete basis - that would only confuse ideas.
What is the difference?
A fixed dental prosthesis on implants - even if not tailor-made for you, it remains exactly there "in its place" for some time, when it starts to give problems, I’m not saying IF it starts to give problems - but when, then to solve the problem you obviously understand well that a re-intervention will be necessary.
Many patients are visiting our dental tourism clinic in Costa Rica because dental implants implanted by someone else in the past are giving problems and we solve effectively every issue because we are specialized on Dental Implants, we have a large stock of implants and abutments, don’t need to buy and we are supported by implant’s brands like Ritter, Zimmer, and BioHorizon. Fortunately for our patients, when rarely happens, they have Lifetime Warranty on the Implants.
Second potential risk
The second potential risk comes out when you request a quote from a foreign dental clinic and you are asked for a dental overview to be able to compile it.
Obviously, you are not from the sector but you cannot think that even this treatment plan actually hides a danger that is much less obvious.
With the dental overview, you can get to the heart of the matter and verify exactly what the most appropriate treatment plan is.
What is the problem, though?
Even if the overview already allows you to go deeper into which treatment plan is the most suitable and how you will have to proceed, there will always be a difference compared to the live visit.
The care plan based on an overview will always be less accurate than the care plan based on a live consultation.
Of course, in brief, they may be similar, but there will always be differences and different details. From the simple overview it is not possible to evaluate at least 6 fundamental factors for the design of a complete care plan:
1) It is not possible to evaluate the mobility of teeth.
2) It is not possible to verify the presence or absence of periodontal pockets and in which areas. In the advanced stages of periodontitis (also called pyorrhea) the gum often has "pockets" that give way to bacteria to settle in depth.
3) It is not possible to verify whether periodontitis is of genetic origin or not.
Periodontitis can in fact be both genetic and non-genetic, and this obviously changes the type of care required for a patient.
4) It is not possible to check the thickness of the gingiva as well as its height.
The gingiva obviously has a length, a height and a thickness. The overview does not allow you to evaluate any of the three in detail.
5) It is not possible to check the density of the gingiva.
The bone of the gum, like any other bone in our body, has a certain density. Usually the frontal areas (those of the chin and under the nose) are denser than the posterior zones, this means that in some areas it will be easier to install implants and in others it will be more complicated.
6) It is not possible to check the occlusion of the two arches
The two arches and the various teeth obviously when they are closed rest in a very precise way together, which must be evaluated and studied in dynamics (and therefore live) to ensure that even the prostheses fit together properly.
These are the 6 main factors that cannot be assessed with an overview of the mouth.
The thing that no dental clinic reveals (apart from us at Costa Rica Allonfour) is that in light of these factors, the live visit in most of the cases will change the treatment plan. If the care plan changes, of course, the final cost also changes, which can vary both in more and less.
Over time you will inevitably run into serious problems resulting from poor planning and execution of the intervention and you will be forced to spend more money and invest more time in solving the new problem.
"But are you telling me that the overview-based treatment plan is not 100% reliable? But if your clinic also sends treatment plans based on self multiple panoramic views! "
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, but there is a huge difference between us at Costa Rica Allonfour and any other dental clinic in Latinamerica.
Usually, the clinics and other dentists abroad do NOT say these things because it is easier to trick a person who has urgent dental issues to resolve and cannot afford to do it at home, than a person who has had time to study well all the details and consequently is better informed.
Another big difference between our clinic and the others is that my staff and I always try to be as precise as possible even with just the dental overview. If we have a practically perfect satisfaction rate of our patients, it is because we include in our quotation every expense they can encounter during their visit to our clinic (Extractions, IV Sedation, Transportation, Hotel, Xrays, Abutments, etc.),
Once here in the clinic, you will have a Free Panoramic RX and a live visit with all relevant examinations and also each of them has been explained that in most cases these are always slight variations but once they arrive at the clinic the estimate based on the overview even if it could have varied, we would not increase the estimate.
In case the care plan becomes less expensive than expected, then clearly you can keep the cost difference compared to the care plan based on the overview sent before leaving.
Every time a dental overview is sent to us, in fact, before receiving a quote, I will contact you by email or the phone for a totally free consultation that will allow you to further investigate your specific case in addition to what you see from the overview only.
It is, in fact, fundamental not only to watch an X-ray but also to communicate to the patient to understand in detail together not only what are the main dental problems, which are already seen from the overview without the need to talk but it is not enough to just look at a mouth X-rays to understand what the patient needs.
We must stay close and help people understand exactly what are the fears, doubts and perplexities that arise from their dental problems.
"But Massimo then what is the point in sending treatment plans based on a panoramic X-ray if they change so much after the visit?"
Although it is true that a radiography-based treatment plan is inaccurate, it is also true that it is necessary and almost mandatory, if you want to immediately give the patient a clear idea of what exactly the problems are, what are the possible solutions, and finally, of course, what the costs and timing are.
Without receiving an estimate for what work would need to be done, it is not possible to organize oneself logistically and economically to face the journey and the intervention - and it is not even possible to prepare oneself mentally.
Not evaluating an overview before starting a patient means having to visit everyone directly in the clinic, and this creates more of a problem.
If you also want to receive not only the treatment plan best suited to you but the free consultation with one of my managers and the private video-report (also free) then all you have to do is click here and leave your details!
And obviously remember that what you will receive will always undergo slight variations once in the clinic (more or less), but they will be exclusively for your good.
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to
The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition
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