All on 4 implant system: how to have everything back in just a few steps

Have you lost all your teeth and are you looking on the internet for the best solution for your mouth? Perhaps those who have remained "dance" in an obvious manner and with a sneeze you risk losing them?

All-on-4 systems are now a certainty rather than a possibility.

The all on four method, which literally means "everything on four", is a latest-generation implant technique that involves the rehabilitation of an edentulous mouth (without teeth) with only 4 implants and a fixed prosthesis. This clinical procedure is an excellent alternative to the common dentures and has the extraordinary merit of reconstructing even the most damaged or completely toothless dental arches.

The all on four implant technique is highly recommended for patients with toothless arches.

All-on-4 systems: what it consists of

Normally, in traditional implantology methods, implants are inserted into the bone at a 90-degree angle to it. The all on four technique, on the other hand, involves the insertion of two frontal implants at 90 ° and two posterior implants at 45 °. 

This angled position blocks all 4 implants together and facilitates tissue healing. In this way, there will be a very low risk of failure and loss of the plant. Moreover, in patients who have a lack of bone, it will be possible to insert longer implants, avoiding the need for regenerative surgery.

The prosthesis is supported by four implants: two anterior and two posteriors.

Sometimes, if the remaining teeth were to be few and very compromised, their extraction and the consequent rehabilitation with the all on four technique could be useful.

But is it a procedure that can be performed to everybody?

The only sore point is that the implants cannot be performed for every patient.  Indeed, during the first visit, it will be necessary to understand the suitability of the patient by evaluating the possible presence of contraindications to the implant such as:

- Smoke;
- Non-compensated diabetes;
- Chemotherapy in place;
- Immune deficiency status;
- Severe mental or neurological disorders;
- Liver cirrhosis or kidney failure.

Once the contraindications have been discarded, it may be appropriate to perform a radiographic examination using CT in order to understand the quality and quantity of the supporting bone. Furthermore, through some software, it will be possible to build a personalized patient mask (surgical template), through which it will be possible to insert the implants in a precise and guided way.

Surgical template, useful for guided insertion of the implant

In the next appointment, if there is no need for further treatment or a bone graft, you can move on to the operational phase. The compromised teeth eventually present will be extracted, and then the implants and the temporary prosthesis will be applied.

After a variable period of time (generally 4-6 months), useful for tissue healing, the final prosthesis will be placed.

What are the real advantages of All-on-4 systems?

It is probably still not clear to you what the advantages brought by the inclusion of only 4 implants really can be. Surely among all stands the recovery of aesthetics: you can finally return to smile as before.

Furthermore, you no longer have to put up with dancing dentures or the hassle of having to apply adhesive pastes every day, as by definition, with them all on four methods, you will have absolutely fixed teeth.

Arches rehabilitated with all on four implants. Fixed extremely aesthetic teeth.

Again, an economic advantage, since only 4 implants are installed, costs considerably less than 6-8 implants. Finally, you will have an immediate functional advantage since all can be inserted in a single session without any pain.

Are you afraid of suffering during the surgery? Is your only problem the fear of feeling pain?

If you are still skeptical and above all afraid, you should know that the surgery it's performed under IV Sedation, you will be sleeping.

So, if you can't really do more than your dentures, if you are sick of losing all your teeth, you might find the answer in this article. Having all teeth with only 4 implants is not only a fascinating prospect but is now a concrete reality. 

Therefore act!! As your health starts right from the mouth.

This information it's brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to   

The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition


Freer Dental Implant Center - Costa Rica

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