Functional Recovery After Dental Implant's Surgery

Who knows why sometimes there is a strange habit of some patients of a clinic to tell:-
"Doctor, you should fix my teeth rapidly because - In a Month - my daughter gets married"
"Excuse me, but even the best specialist cannot do miracles ... yet!" ... unfortunately, I cannot promise that and after all, I must try to find a solution.
Given that, to this day the "rehabilitation" solution provides in most cases the use of osseointegrated implants it is important to understand what are the recovery times of the masticatory function after an operation.
So I think that those who have to undergo an implant surgery should be interested in knowing what the recovery time is after the surgery.
The matter is not simple. Initially, the loading protocols of the implants (we are talking about the 70' and 80' of the last century) were 4 months for the lower arch and 6 months for the upper one. Biblical times for those who have to put up with removable dentures for the healing period!!
Functional recovery of implants - The pleasures of life.
Today things have changed a lot and you can chew on implants right away!
So now the patient comes, puts the implants, the temporary fixed and after a few days of slight swelling, the recovery of the chewing function will be complete, which will allow the patient to eat the soft Ravioli at the wedding! (Yes! I love Ravioli, Agnolotti, Tortellini ... I'm Italian, what can I do!)
Obviously, it is not always so simple and it's here that some of my colleagues play dirty with misleading advertising.
The immediate load ... that is to say immediately charge teeth on your implants recently placed and chew ... it is a very beautiful thing, comfortable and appealing but not always possible. -- Or ... better said... not always correct!

The concept is this: - If the screw is fairly stable in the bone, the fixed teeth can be placed immediately. Imagine putting a screw in the plasterboard, at a certain point the plasterboard is hiding and the screw is spinning.
When the bone is "soft" (... doctor forgive me! 🙏) the same thing happens and the tooth cannot be put on immediately but you have to wait more time, not as much as you expected in the eighties, but still months.
- "Hard" Bone = Can put the fixed teeth immediately and chew immediately with precaution for 4 months, then the Final Bridge. However, it's always suggested to play safe and wait for the 4 months without charging the screw.
- "Soft" Bone = Removable Provisional and chew with big precaution, Final Bridge, fixed teeth after 6 months.
In some cases, however, the bone is not enough and must be rebuilt.
Sometimes the bone is there but the gum is too low because it is reabsorbed so that the bone must be reconstructed even if the implant could be put on and loaded immediately because the aesthetic result would be frightening.
Maybe you are interested in knowing what happens with:
- ache
- swelling
- bruises
Swelling and bruising are completely absent in the simplest procedures but there will be some in case of complex bone reconstruction procedures, though they will disappear soon. Swelling within the first week. The bruises during the second week. Therefore, even for the most difficult operations, there is no pain and everything is forgotten within 2 weeks.
The suggestion of Dr. Freer is to turn to a structure of excellence in implantology.
If the conditions are optimal you can immediately get a functional recovery of your teeth. If this is not possible, the times will be very short and the path will certainly be atraumatic.
... by Massimo - Write us with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist quotation at our clinic by sending an email at
The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by professional in dentistry, it's not intended to be a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment since there is no direct contact with the patients. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. - It generally follows the taking of the medical history and an account of all the symptoms as experienced by the patient. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.
The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by professional in dentistry, it's not intended to be a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment since there is no direct contact with the patients. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. - It generally follows the taking of the medical history and an account of all the symptoms as experienced by the patient. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.
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