What is for us Excellence in Implantology?

Finding the right plumber, electrician or mechanic is serious because you know what it means to trust the wrong person. The problem becomes even more delicate if we talk about our health and we need an implantologist capable of giving us a bewitching smile.

By discarding small dental surgeries facilities, which generally do not have the necessary skills and techniques to deal with complex implantology cases, you find yourself having to entrust yourself to centers you don't know, In 2017, more than 1.4 million Americans sought health care in a variety of countries around the world, the 80% of that patients travel outside homeland for Dentistry.

This is why we specialized in our clinic on the All-on-4 Dental Implant System and opened our Cad/Cam in-house Dental LAB because high-end excellence in implantology applied to experience can attract patients from other regions and guarantee exceptional results at the right price.

What does excellence in dental care mean?

Choosing excellence means performing treatments based on strict objective parameters. We have organized our clinic to offer the most required service:
  • Load fixed teeth in 24 hours;
  • Our Surgeons are able to perform post-extractive operations (insertion of the implants together with the extraction of the teeth):
  • We are specialized in implantology, have considerable experience and perform at least 100 procedures per year;
  • I am able to avoid perceiving pain with IV Sedation and the Wand;
  • We have innovative equipment (perform X-rays and CT scans within the studio, we have internal dental LAB and technicians, ...);
  • We offer ample guarantees on the result;
  • We are professional, serious and honest, we care about our reputation;
  • Provide clear estimates and fair prices;
  • Enjoy an excellent reputation and high patient satisfaction.
Our Dental Center

We now proudly present to you some of the testimonial videos of our patients, that we are sure maximum satisfaction.

The clinic is also equipped with the huge ZirkonZahn Milling Machines M1 capable of milling any material, including titanium; has Intraoral and 3D scanners, TACs, Cad/Cam Software, has state-of-the-art digital diagnostic instruments like Zeiss operating microscope, is equipped with an internal Surgical Room and a large Dental Laboratory.

Freer Dental Implant Center has achieved the perfect combination of innovative technology and professional skills, making it an excellent clinic in San Jose Costa Rica. Holds the exclusivity in Costa Rica for dental implants designed and produced by the German Company Ritter Implants, specifically for immediate loading implantology with an inclined position.

We adopt extremely efficient intervention protocols, analyze each clinical case in detail, prepare everything well in advance, and are able to give patients fixed teeth within 24 hours. 

The protocol involves a whole series of professional figures: from the implantologist to the dental technician, from the prosthodontist to the maxillofacial surgeon, from the anesthesiologist to the orthodontist, from the assistant to the dental chair to the administrative staff.

For example, the control of sedation takes place through an experienced anesthesiologist who evaluates the response to the patient's stimuli, sedation is measured and regulated precisely by this instrument.

Added to this are TACs, Scanners, and lots of the latest generation technology. Innovative tools that allow evaluating in detail the clinical case of each patient, detecting all the information necessary to plan and simulate the intervention in every phase.

His professional experience includes a long activity and a large review of clinical cases dealt with. Dr. Freer has always been involved in implantology and, over 10 years ago.

Recognized nationally for his expertise in the dental sector, he has taught in Costa Rican and American universities and is proactively attending important seminars dedicated to implantology.

Words are almost never exhaustive when it comes to telling all those small and important details that together contribute to achieving excellence, so if you want to discover for yourself the reason for our selection, book an appointment now and visit our clinic in San Jose Costa Rica.

Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to meditur@costaricabluezone.com


The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition


Freer Dental Implant Center - Costa Rica

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