Why is Dental Tourism it's chosen?

Have you ever thought about choosing a dentist abroad to treat your teeth? Dental tourism, as we have often written in the blog, is a phenomenon that has taken hold for several years now. More and more people are willing to and one of the countries, most chosen by North Americans and Canadians, it's Costa Rica. It is the desire of many patients, but a fatal mistake is to jump on the first foreign dentist who is online and blindly relies on his care. It is the first step to take: find dentists that operate according to the American Dental Association (ADA) regulations on hygiene, safety, and reliability of tools and materials used. And Patients must be more cautious now during these times of Pandemia!! In times of crisis like these last nasty pandemic, patients are looking for quality dental services at lower prices than in their own country . In addition, there is the advantage of a holiday abroad, and in this, they see greater benefits: they combine dental c...