Benefits of the I.V. Sedation
The fear of the dentist is very frequent and often leads to postponing dental care, thus aggravating one's health status, with the need for more complex and expensive therapies.
But I have good news for you who are almost struggling to read this post for the squeeze. There is a solution to your problem and it's called IV Sedation!
IV sedation is a safe and consolidated technique that allows you to face dental care without pain, anxiety, fear, and stress: in a few words, it eliminates the fear of the dentist.
It is a simple and minimally invasive technique, therefore suitable for adults, the elderly and children.
It can be combined with any treatment:
-Installations-Conservative or caries treatment-Prostheses- Root canal care-Extractions-Gingival therapies-Oral hygiene
I guess you're wondering how it works ...
The answer is: through the administration in the vein of very small quantities of anxiolytic drugs with a very short duration.
When I wrote this in an advertisement on Facebook, the queen of the cowards promptly arrived who, in addition to having the terror of the dentist, rightly also had the phobia of the needles. However, even in these cases, there is no problem and an anxiolytic can be administered by mouth before intravenous sedation!
So there are no more excuses for anyone.
The relaxation effect is almost immediate, as is the disappearance at the end of the treatment. During the procedure, the patient remains conscious, collaborative, relaxed, and spontaneously breathing. Monitoring of the minimum vital parameters is also provided to continue to evaluate and assist the patient in the best possible way.
Conscious sedation, therefore, reduces anxiety, fear, stress, and pain, promoting a sense of well-being and tranquility.
The dental experience is lived and faced in a more peaceful way and the fear of the dentist will remain a distant memory ... And I say this because one of the advantages of this technique is that after one day, in general, the patient no longer remembers the surgery, except for small flashes.
So the intervention seems to last 10 minutes, the anxiety on the chair completely disappears, you stay awake but you feel things a little distant, remaining uninterested in the intervention and thinking about something else and, last but not least, the next day the memory of the whole is also removed. What more do you want?
So the intervention seems to last 10 minutes, the anxiety on the chair completely disappears, you stay awake but you feel things a little distant, remaining uninterested in the intervention and thinking about something else and, last but not least, the next day the memory of the whole is also removed. What more do you want?
Having no contraindications, conscious sedation is suitable for all patients with fear of the dentist but also helps in other psychological manifestations that sometimes make it impossible for the dentist to work well, such as the accentuated vomiting reflex. In 12 years I have also seen a patient who had a gulp at just opening his mouth to speak !!! This obviously from the dentist, because otherwise, he could not have lived.
So, if you are thinking that your case is different, you know we have certainly seen someone worse than you and we have managed to cure him better. The gentleman I was talking about, in fact, underwent surgery to have his teeth fixed in one day and now has a beautiful fixed rehabilitation with which to eat and communicate in complete serenity!
The same goes for those patients who say "they don't take anesthesia to me!". Trust that with sedation they take ... Conscious sedation is performed by an anesthesiologist and resuscitation specialist

With a patient who is relaxed and actively collaborates even in the face of more complex or longer interventions, the time required for dental treatment is considerably reduced. The amount of analgesics and antibiotics is also reduced because they are taken in relation to the number of sessions, since often in a single session it is possible to do a job that would otherwise require more appointments.
In addition, recovery in the days following surgical therapies is also much faster and painless than those performed without sedation.
I hope I have removed all doubts about conscious sedation and maybe I can take away once and for all the fear of the dentist!
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to
The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition
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