Do You Know That if You Lose a Tooth it's a Problem?

There is something that always surprises the dentists when a patient visits their clinic for the first time.

Medical history is compiled before you sit down at the dental chair and the doctor see you for the first time, which is the way to indicate a series of questions about the patient's state of health. One of the questions we ask concerns the reason for the visit, which is often "control and cleaning".

As soon as doctors introduced themself and read the medical history, the first thing they say to the patient is: - "Ok, you wrote that you came for a check and a hygiene session. So you have no particular suspicions or pains? Does everything look okay? "

And often the answer is: - "Yes, it was a while since I went to the dentist ... I wanted to do some cleaning"

Then the doctors ask: - "And in the past have you have had big problems or do you have one of those mouths that just needed little care?"

And often as an answer we get that there has been some intervention in their youth but then in recent years things have settled down or that a few teeth have been treated but then there haven't been any major problems.

Ok. Perfect.

So the dentist asks the patients to open their mouths to start the visit and in many cases, I see that some teeth are missing which, after the extraction, have not been replaced anymore! And we always remain dumbfounded when to the statement "ah, but there are teeth missing ...", the patient looks at the doctor as if he would say "so what?".

But, I wonder, if you had a kidney, a toe, or a hand removed, or lost an eye, wouldn't you report it as a problem? And even if you were used to the lack of an organ, if they told you that there is the possibility of intervening by placing a prosthesis that in many cases can restore the function and aesthetics of the lost organ, would you not be interested in it?

Instead, I see that for the patients often the lack of a tooth is not a problem and the thing that upsets, even more, is that when we ask if it has ever been proposed to put back the missing teeth the answer is no. So even for many dentists, the lack of a tooth does not seem to be a problem.

But I reveal three truths to you.

The first truth goes in favor of not rehabilitating the missing teeth and is that actually, nobody dies from the lack of a tooth and surely people will be able to get used to being without since sometimes I also visit patients who are completely toothless and tell me that they manage to eat the same.

The second truth is that when you remove a tooth a series of settlements arise which can cause damage to the rest of the mouth: First, changes in the occlusion may occur because the remaining teeth move into holes left empty.

The remaining teeth can then be ruined and consumed faster because they have to work harder than they were designed for, then caries may appear between one tooth and another on neighboring teeth because moving oneself creates empty spaces between one tooth and another where food accumulates.

You can eventually get to the loss of other teeth due to the excessive movements they make to compensate for the emptiness that has formed or for the excessive effort they have to bear. This can lead a tooth to "dig" the bone causing excessive and irreversible mobility.

The third truth is that the teeth if they have been placed in the mouth by Mother Nature in a certain number and with certain forms, it was for some reason.

But if almost everyone is concerned about front teeth to avoid compromising aesthetics, few are concerned about the masticatory compromise that generates the loss of posterior teeth, with possible consequences on digestion, on the articulation of the jaw and even on the ear or posture.

Moreover, most people do not know that if a tooth is not replaced as soon as the biological healing time after extraction allows it (even if sometimes a tooth can even be replaced on the day of extraction) the replacement in the vast majority of cases becomes increasingly difficult and must accept some compromises.

So how can we replace missing teeth?

If in the past the most popular solutions were fixed bridges, obtained by reducing the healthy teeth in front and behind an empty space, or mobile prostheses, to date the preferable solution is only one:

One or more osseointegrated titanium implants.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, these are screws that are used to replace the roots of the extracted teeth, on which are then screwed ceramic teeth that restore the function and aesthetics of the lost teeth.

Patients often turn up their noses when they feel "screw in the bone", or they say "yes, but they told me I can't because I have no bone".

And here I want to be quick and decisive in debunking the clichés about installations.
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The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition


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