Putting an implant does not hurt. Point.

It is useless to explain to you why and how. Trust me. Nothing is heard at all and in cases where there is also so much time to put an implant with all the trappings do not reach ten minutes in the hands of our Implantologist.

And often it does not swell afterward and there is no bruise. Certainly, there is virtually no evil that is not fully controllable with a painkiller. Sometimes you don't even need it.

Another cliché is that if there is no bone the implant cannot be put. A dentist friend of mine, Dr. Alejandro, a very good surgeon and professor, is recently promoting an information campaign for his patients in which he says "if you have the face you can do it!" I apologize to Alejandro but I have to steal it from him because it is fantastic!

Except for some general health problems, the implants can always be put in place. If there is no bone we reconstruct it. No problem.

The third and last commonplace is that if there is no bone, however, things get too complicated. But no. In the hands of a good surgeon, the reconstruction of lost bone is a routine and not at all complicated operation.

Not because it is more complex than a simple system, but because it is his job and these are the cases in which he becomes more passionate and gives his best. And for the patient, also thanks to the help of the IV sedation that we talked about in other articles, no intervention will be a burden to face. In any case, most of the bone regeneration or gingival volumes, in the hands of our surgeons, lengthen the operation by about twenty minutes.

In practice, it is almost always longer devitalize a tooth or make a filling a bit complex. And yet the patient is always under the implant. But after the surgery, patients always admit that they thought much worse and that he didn't get sick.

So only one problem remains to be addressed. THE SCARY PRICE. - Unfortunately, implantology has very high prices, especially if performed with excellence. There are many ways to lower prices:
  • Use "poor" branded systems and not certified
  • Use old or poor quality materials to carry out the prosthetic part
  • Save on surgical protocols and sterile material, putting patient safety at risk
  • Do not work with the right number of people who help you (consider that certain interventions are Not feasible with less than three assistants) saving on staff.
All this obviously leads to a result: LOW QUALITY - And if this is acceptable when drinking a wine, which may perhaps have a less pleasant taste, it is not acceptable when it comes to surgery and patient safety.

That's why I don't recommend you to base your decisions on the price when it comes to Implants. -- Base your decisions on the surgeon's experience and on the quality of the facility in which he operates.

If you need or want to replace your missing teeth or your removable prosthesis with fixed teeth supported by implants but:
  • They told you you don't have enough bone
  • You're scared because you don't know what you're going to encounter
  • Someone told you it's painful
  • You want to know how you could solve your case
  • You have problems with implants put in the past
  • You want to improve the aesthetics of your smile
Information brought to you by Massimo - Write me with your Panoramic X-Rays view for a free specialist diagnosis by sending an email to meditur@costaricabluezone.com

The Content above even if the above information is written or supervised by a professional in dentistry. A physical examination is a procedure by which the dentists investigate the oral cavity of patients for signs of disease. -- Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. -- Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition


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